2020年8月24日 星期一

Office Girl (Xiao Zi Nu Hai Xiang Qian Chong) Episode 1~25《小資女孩向前衝》第1~25集 在綫觀看主演:(柯佳嬿、邱澤、李毓芬、李沛旭、郭書瑤、溫昇豪、蔡淑臻)浪漫偶像劇場 Idol & Romance Drama 2011

English Title/英文:《Office Girls》, 《Xiao Zi Nu Hai Xiang Qian Chong》

Chinese Title/中文:《小資女孩向前衝》



Genre/類型: Romance,comedy,浪漫,愛情

Oversea Broadcast Period/播出時期:2011年8月21日(2010-AUG-21)


Qin Zi Qi is a MBA graduate who has everything handed to him because he is the future successor of Jingshi Department Store. However, his father worries he will not make a good manager and decides to train him by having him work as an entry-level employee for a year. During the year he has to live on his own salary and never reveal his true identity, or he will have to renounce his succession right. Qin could not have survived the year has it not been for Shen Xing Reng's office survival guide. Shen is a Jingshi marketing specialist who has just saved her first $100,000 for the down payment on a house. She works very hard to achieve her goal. Together, Shen and Qin accomplish the impossible, which is to shine on the bottom of the office pyramid.



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