English Title/英文:《Autumn's Concerto》,《Next Station, Happiness》
Chinese Title/中文:《下一站,幸福》
Ady An, Vanness Wu, Tiffany Xu, Chris Wu, Zheng You Jie, Figaro Ceng, Wen Sheng Hao
Oversea Broadcast Period/播出時期:2009年10月04日
一個放任人生腐爛的男孩,任光晞。拋棄自己的父親因為一個殘忍的原因離開人世,母親和友人外遇的不堪情事,是伴隨他童年到大的搖籃曲。這就是光晞眼中的世界,虛偽而卑劣。一個生活充滿垃圾的女孩,梁慕橙。莎拉公主般的身世,並未讓她如同書中的小女孩一樣得到夢幻結局,卻必須面對比故事中更殘酷的現實人生。放棄夢想或者努力掙扎,這就是慕橙度過的每一天。一場半途發生“蓄意教唆”的交通意外,讓他們有了最差勁的初識!當眾人眼裡最沒操守的校董獨生子大少爺,遇上學生餐廳最有原則的便當小妹... ...意想不到,一個由玩笑開始的賭局,竟開啟了一段刻骨銘心,浪漫動人的秋日戀曲。從見到命定之人的那一秒開始,直到抵達下一站,幸福。
Ren Guang Xi, a cocky law student, seems to lead the perfect life. He’s the sole successor to a huge and famous business and a talented ice hockey player. But in reality, his lonely life lacks joy, laughter and motivation.
That is until he meets Liang Mu Chen, the new bento seller at his school canteen. Although orphaned at a young age, Mu Chen does not let her past affect her and lives life with great passion and determination. A harmless bet brings the two together and Guang Xi slowly changes as Mu Chen teaches him how to give and love.
Tragedy strikes when Guang Xi suddenly has to go through a major brain surgery which causes him to lose his memory. His mother begs Mu Chen to leave him and the latter has no choice but to do so. Little does she know that she already has Guang Xi’s child.
Six years pass. Mu Chen lives a quiet life with her young son in the countryside while Guang Xi is now a successful lawyer and is engaged to He Yi Qian, the kind and beautiful doctor who took care of him after his surgery. A strangely familiar piano piece stirs Guang Xi’s heart as he struggles to recall his past romance with Mu Chen. How will the couple make up for six years of lost time?
Happiness, which stop will I alight at?
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- 《下一站幸福》第1集 Autumn's Concerto (1st Stop) Episode 1
- 《下一站幸福》第2集 Autumn's Concerto (1st Stop) Episode 2
- 《下一站幸福》第3集 Autumn's Concerto (1st Stop) Episode 3
- 《下一站幸福》第4集 Autumn's Concerto (1st Stop) Episode 4
- 《下一站幸福》第5集 Autumn's Concerto (1st Stop) Episode 5
- 《下一站幸福》第6集 Autumn's Concerto (1st Stop) Episode 6
- 《下一站幸福》第7集 Autumn's Concerto (1st Stop) Episode 7
- 《下一站幸福》第8集 Autumn's Concerto (1st Stop) Episode 8
- 《下一站幸福》第9集 Autumn's Concerto (1st Stop) Episode 9
- 《下一站幸福》第10集 Autumn's Concerto (1st Stop) Episode 10
- 《下一站幸福》第11集 Autumn's Concerto (1st Stop) Episode 11
- 《下一站幸福》第12集 Autumn's Concerto (1st Stop) Episode 12
- 《下一站幸福》第13集 Autumn's Concerto (1st Stop) Episode 13
- 《下一站幸福》第14集 Autumn's Concerto (1st Stop) Episode 14
- 《下一站幸福》第15集 Autumn's Concerto (1st Stop) Episode 15
- 《下一站幸福》第16集 Autumn's Concerto (1st Stop) Episode 16
- 《下一站幸福》第17集 Autumn's Concerto (1st Stop) Episode 17
- 《下一站幸福》第18集 Autumn's Concerto (1st Stop) Episode 18
- 《下一站幸福》第19集 Autumn's Concerto (1st Stop) Episode 19
- 《下一站幸福》第20集 Autumn's Concerto (1st Stop) Episode 20
- 《下一站幸福》第21集 大結局 Autumn's Concerto (1st Stop) Episode 21 The End
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